Packages not in Groups

veusz - GUI scientific plotting package

Veusz is a scientific plotting package, designed to create
publication-ready Postscript output. It features GUI, command-line,
and scripting interfaces. Graphs are constructed from "widgets",
allowing complex layouts to be designed. Veusz supports plotting
functions, data with errors, keys, labels, stacked plots,
multiple plots, contours, and fitting data.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: veusz


Name Version Release Type Size Built
veusz 0.10 11.fc4 ppc 1.89 MiB Wed Sep 6 15:35:42 2006


* Wed Sep 6 18:00:00 2006 Jeremy Sanders <jeremy{%}jeremysanders{*}net> - 0.10-11
- Package .pyo files
* Wed Sep 6 18:00:00 2006 Jeremy Sanders <jeremy{%}jeremysanders{*}net> - 0.10-10
- Removed ghosts, as per new Fedora guidelines
* Wed Jul 12 18:00:00 2006 Jeremy Sanders <jeremy{%}jeremysanders{*}net> - 0.10-9
- Add -O1 to install to generate .pyo files on FC4

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