Packages not in Groups

lucidlife - A Conway's Life simulator

LucidLife is a Conway's Life simulator. The rules are rather simple. The game
is started with a large grid of cell locations, and an arbitrary set of
living cells. On each turn, each cell thrives or dies based on the number of
cells which sourround it. A dead (empty) cell with three live cells around it
becomes a living cell (a birth); a living cell with two or three neighbors
survives; otherwise the cell dies (due to overcrowding) or remains dead
(due to loneliness). It is based on the the GtkLife project, but with a
more modern user interface and other enhancements.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: lucidlife


Name Version Release Type Size Built
lucidlife 0.9 6.fc4 ppc 2.39 MiB Sun Apr 9 01:24:34 2006


* Sat Apr 8 18:00:00 2006 Peter Gordon <peter{%}thecodergeek{*}com> - 0.9-6
- Use desktop-file-install's "--delete-original" option instead of doing
  it manually.
* Tue Mar 28 17:00:00 2006 Peter Gordon <peter{%}thecodergeek{*}com> - 0.9-5
- Add patch to put the documentation and %doc stuff in the same directory.
* Wed Mar 15 17:00:00 2006 Peter Gordon <peter{%}thecodergeek{*}com> - 0.9-4
- Rebuild for spec file fixes and email address change.

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